Here is a Better Windows Backup Recovery Tool for You!

Fast Recovery Option

Quick Scan Option of BKF Repair Tool
Quick Scan

Option available for quick scanning that provides you instant recovery results.

Deep Recovery Option

Deep Scan Option of BKF Repair Tool
Deep Scan

Option has added for acquiring complete BKF recovery results.

Range Based Scan Option

Range Scan Option of BKF Repair Tool
Range Scan

Option that divides backup in small portion and recover them.

Backup Recovery Tool
Repair BKF File

Know How BKF Repair Tool Works


You can perform the recovery of backup database file (.bkf) in all Windows editions including like - Windows 8, Windows 7, XP, 2000, 2003 and Windows Vista by using Windows backup recovery software.

This backup recovery tool also provides the ability to repair BKF file of Windows XP in Windows 7 but, for that, you need to move windows xp backup to windows 7 with a third party source.

Different types of corruptions can take place in Windows backup file .bkf and this backup recovery tool is capable of fixing all types of corruptions of BKF file by its advanced scanning options.

Backup Recovery Tool Box

Quick Scanning - In this the tool quickly scans the entire content of BKF file in one go. The option is recommended for Fast Recovery in low corruption situations.

Deep Scanning - In this the tool deeply scans the content of BKF file in two phases. The option is recommended for better recovery in extreme corruption situations.

Range Based Scanning - This software also provides you marvelous feature i.e. Ranged Based Scanning. This is an advance scanning technique, in this method you can set a range of data to be recovered. If you want to recover your all data then set it to 100% and if you want recover just partial data e.g. half amount of data then set to 50%.

Download BKF Repair Tool

Advantages of Windows Backup Recovery Tool

recover damage BKF files

Trialing of Tool Is Possible

Before purchasing the corrupt backup data recovery software, you can try its functionality with free trialing edition. This edition allows you to preview all recovered content of BKF file on your computer screen.

For saving all recovered database of BKF file on your computer hard drive, you need to purchase the full edition of backup recovery tool. We guaranteed that it will definitely fulfill your need. We also take care about our valued customers for which we provide free online support. You can contact our technical supports team which is available 24x7.

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